I'm Jusley Smaly, I am a Senior Product Designer passionate problem solver.

I love creating intuitive, interactive and impressive products that meet users, business and tech needs.

As a Product Designer, I use Design Thinking and System Thinking for a single approach. Design Thinking focuses on users and flexible problem solving, while System Thinking considers the broad impact of top to bottom solutions. This mixture generates value and creativity, addressing complexity and dynamic changes.

No matter the challenge, big or small, there is potential for any movement you make to challenge the status quo. Wherever I go, I help companies create experiences that shape our collective future.

Know a little bit about me
My most recently jobs
My Process Highlight
I decided to put together a series of small articles to share my experiences within the squads I work in and how I can contribute in a positive way. These articles are clippings of my work that I believe are interesting to share.
Blueprint + Taskflow + Mental Mode to mapping an register/onboading experience

As a product designer, my first challenge in the project was to address Credit Registration & Onboarding for Grupo Boticário resellers. The objective was to map processes to improve KPIs and optimize the time taken to analyze credit proposals. Offering credit to resellers was essential for sustaining the business, and 80% of the volume transacted was done via bank slips.

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How to translate API Endpoint to designers

For about a year and a half, I had the opportunity to work in a company that really marked a turning point on my career as a product designer. Throughout our career, we often come across journeys already explored by similar products, which makes resolution more fluid.

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Wireflows and the magic of the information architecture process

As a Product Designer, I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve heard phrases like “they just want the UI”, “We need the finished screen” or “Make this screen for me”. While I understand the importance of having a final deliverable, I’ve realized that this anxiety can lead to skipping important processes in our work.

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Reflections and lessons learned from my journey as a Product Designer
The power of a good workflow in a designer's life

More than carrying out our daily deliveries, thinking about the way “how” we do this is very important and liberating.

How we structure TAG Infraestrutura’s design workflow

Pains and lessons learned in the process of structuring a design team.

Open Everything and the challenges for UX

In recent times, much has been said about Open Banking, Open Finance, among other concepts that permeate this market. But after all what is really going on?

How I created the first virtual handicraft store in Amazon

We take the craft production of indigenous peoples and local artisans throughout Brazil through an e-commerce platform.


In my 20 years of career in Design, Innovation and User Experience, I have helped dozens of companies to understand their users' problems and find solutions that become business opportunities.

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